Monday, May 28, 2012

In response to the following question:  "How's the food?  Are you eating the african food or more western cooking?  I'd like to hear more about camp life in your blog.  By the way, what was the game you were playing?"

I spent most of the time in the city the first week & we arrived at "real" camp in the bush on Friday.  I've tried some of the mealie meal which is a corn based grits-like meal. This is the staple diet of the native Zambians and they eat it two times a day, but we cook out own meals at camp.  We have chicken and rice and vegetables.  We made chicken stir fry with noodles and veggies last night and tonight we may try to cook fajitas.  So, we basically try to cook more western food.  They Zambian cooks do make this really good bread just in a pot and coals. I'm going to try to watch one of the cooks tomorrow so I can make it at our next family camp out or reenactment.  
I'm not sure what you mean by the game we were playing.  If you are referring to the "game capture," game is a word for wild animals.  When you need to take tests or transport a wild animal, the vet is called & he/she makes a tranquilizer dart containing the necessary drugs, & they go on a "game capture".  We dart the animal (remember my rhino hunt?).  There is a team of guys that jumps out of the truck and tries to gently get the animal down.  They reverse the tranquilizer quickly (especially with giraffe, b/c they are so sensitive) & quickly get the samples needed (blood, hair, etc).  The animal gets a blind fold & cotton in the ears to make them less aware of surroundings.  Then if the animal is to be transported, it is lead into the transport vehicle when it can rise & walk.  Once in the truck, they removed the blind fold.

Please, feel free to comment & ask questions!!!

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